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School Hours

Martley CE Primary School and Pre-School School Day:

The school gate is opened by a member of staff at 8.40am. Pupils then enter school via the gate to the side of the main office. Pre-School children also enter via the side entrance and are welcomed by Martley staff at the Pre-School doors. Children are able to access their classrooms as soon as the gate is opened. 

Pre-School is open from 9.00am - 3.00pm with a variety of sessions within this being available.

Reception and KS1 pupils:

Morning session: 8:50am - 12.00pm 

Lunchtime - 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Afternoon session: 1.00pm - 3.20pm

Key Stage 2 Pupils (Year 3-6)

Morning session: 8:50am - 12.00pm 

Lunchtime - 12.00pm - 1.00pm

Afternoon session: 1.00pm - 3.20pm

These hours do not include our before school and after school provision or any extra-curricular clubs held after school finishes. 


Total time in a typical week, including breaks but not after-school activities= 32.5 hours