The Local Academy Board (LAB)
The Diocese of Worcester Multi Academy Trust (DoWMAT) has overall responsibility for the school and the Local Academy Board (LAB) acts at a local level to have an oversight and hold the Headteacher and senior leaders to account. The LAB replaces what was previously known as the Governing Body of the school.
What does the LAB do?
The responsibilities of the LAB are to:
- Ensure that the pupils are part of a successful academy which provides them with a good education and supports their holistic well-being;
- Support strategic management and operational oversight;
- Represent any local views and issues;
- Promote high standards and uphold the Christian distinctiveness of the school.
The DoWMAT Scheme of Delegation clearly states the specific role of the LAB. (see below)
Who are the members of the LAB?
The LAB members are a group of like-minded people with an interest in education. The Board members work hard to support the staff and pupils of the school and act as a critical friend.
The current members of the Board are:
Name | Type of Member | Date of Appointment | Term of Office | Date Stepped Down | Who Appointed | End of Term | |
Lisa Watson | Foundation - LAB Chair | N/A | 01/12/2026 | ||||
Hilary Barber | Community - Vice Chair | N/A | 01/12/2026 | ||||
Mark Farmer | Staff | N/A | 18/09/2027 | ||||
Linda Nicklin | Foundation | N/A | 27/09/2026 | ||||
Simon Dix | Foundation | N/A | 29/09/2026 | ||||
Gillan Morris | Foundation | N/A | 29/09/2027 | ||||
Laura Montgomery | Parent | N/A | |||||
Laurence Green | Parent | N/A | |||||
Vacancy | Church |
Name | Relevant business & Financial Interests |
Contacting the Board
If you have an issue that you need to discuss then please contact your child’s class teacher in the first instance. The Head of School can also be contacted through the school office.
If you have been in contact with the school and need to raise a matter with the LAB Chair- Lisa Watson, can be contacted through the school office: 01886 888201
If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Local Academy Board Governor, please visit the link below.